Bowling Online is the online source for the latest in bowling balls, bags, shoes, and more at up to 70% off retail. If it's made for bowling chances are we have it. We offer products from all major manufactures including Brunswick, Columbia, Dexter, DV8. 3D Bowling is the 3D bowling game in which you can play the classic family game that we have all grown up to love. Have unlimited bowling fun in this online version, you practice your lines and aim to try and get that infamous strike by knocking all of the pins down in one go. You can play a single game on your own to try and beat your score or you can play against a friend in local play as.

Bowling Pins (referred to as pins)Bowling Online

There are 10 bowling pins standing up. You will try and knock down these bowling pins
with the bowling ball. The pins are numbered 1 through 10 and are standing in the form
of a triangle. The pin in the front is numbered pin #1. From front to back and then left
to right they are all numbered. For example - the pins in the back row are
numbered 7, 8, 9 and 10

The Game
The game consists of 10 frames of bowling.
A frame is an opportunity for the bowler to try and knock down all 10 pins with up to
2 chances (2 rolls of a bowling ball) per frame.

A strike (X) is when the bowler knocked down all 10 pins on the first
try. (i.e. the first ball rolled). Since it's a strike there is no need to
roll the ball for a second try for that frame! A spare (/) is when the bowler
knocked down less than 10 pins with the first try (the first ball rolled) but
knocked down the remaining pins with the second ball for a total of 10 pins
knocked down for that frame.
The maximum score for a game = 300

Bowling online, free Games

Examples of scoring
Take a simple game where you have no strikes and no spares. You just
throw 2 balls per frame knocking down 5 on your first ball and 3 on your second
ball. And.. by chance you do this for all 10 frames of the game. So... each frame
would be worth 8 points for a grand total score of 80 for the whole game

Let's hope you are a bit better than that and get a strike.
Strikes are worth more and are a little more complicated to score
The rule for a strike score is as follows: The score for the strike
frame = 10 plus the total of the next TWO BALLS THROWN plus the previous
frame score. What??

Say you have the following scores
frame #1 = 8 (you rolled two balls but only knocked down 8 pins)
frame #2 = X (strike!) You knocked down all 10 pins with the first ball)
frame #3 (ball 1) = 7 pins knocked down and ball 2 = (only 1 more pin knocked down)
Your score for frame #1 = 8
Your score for frame #2
= 10 + frame3(ball1) + frame3(ball2) + frame #1 score
= 10 + 7 + 1 + 8
= 26 (this is the score you write down in the frame #2 box)
Your score for frame 3 is just simple
math or frame 2 + frame 3 = 34 (the score written in frame #3 box)
Remember you can't compute frame 2's score UNTIL you have thrown
TWO more balls (in frame 3)!!!
Try this on the calculator and watch the scores appear.

Now you get a spare
Spares are almost the same as strikes except they are worth 10 points plus
the value of the next ball thrown. What??
Continue with frame #4
frame #4 you roll ball 1 and knock down 5 pins so ball 1 = 5
on your second ball for Frame #4 you knock down the remaining
pins ball2 = 5 (all pins knocked down - 2 balls spare!)
you can't total frame 4 yet because you need the value of your next ball
in upcoming frame#5
Say in frame #5 you roll your ball and knock down 8 pins on the
first roll. Ball 1 in Frame # 5 = 8 Now we can determine Frame #4s score.
Now frame #4 score
= 10 + frame 5(ball 1 value) + the score total in frame#3
= 10 + 8 + 34
= 52
Continuing on you roll your second ball in Frame#5 and you knock
down 1 more pin. So the total score for frame #5 will be:
frame #5 score = 52 (from frame#4) + 9 from frame #5 total = 61
Try this on the calculator and watch the scores appear.

Kids Bowling Games Free Online

Another tricky part is the 10th frame
if you get a strike on your FIRST ball - you must throw TWO more balls
so you can compute the 10th frame score. (If these balls are strikes
also, they only count as 10 each. They are just needed to get your next
ball values.) You get a spare by a combination of your first and
your SECOND ball you must throw a third ball to compute the spare equation.
YOU ONLY THROW UP TO 3 balls in the 10th frame.
Hope this helps, try it out on the calculator